Our partners

Funding partners

The Health Foundation

The Health Foundation is funding the current development of the Carer Skills Passport through its Innovating for Improvement Scheme

The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK.

Our aim is a healthier population, supported by high quality health care that can be equitably accessed. We learn what works to make people’s lives healthier and improve the health care system. From giving grants to those working at the front line to carrying out research and policy analysis, we shine a light on how to make successful change happen.

We make links between the knowledge we gain from working with those delivering health and health care and our research and analysis. Our aspiration is to create a virtuous circle, using what we know works on the ground to inform effective policymaking and vice versa.

We believe good health and health care are key to a flourishing society. Through sharing what we learn, collaborating with others and building people’s skills and knowledge, we aim to make a difference and contribute to a healthier population.


Health Education England: North

Health Education Northwest funded the initial development of the Carer Skills Passport through its Integrated Demonstrator Sites Programme

Health Education England (HEE) exists for one reason only: to support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement to the patients and public of England. Working across the north west, we ensure that the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours, at the right time and in the right place.



The following organisations are supporting the Carer Skills Passport through raising awareness and providing specialist advice

Action for Sick Children

Action for Sick Children's mission is to ensure that healthcare in the UK meets the unique needs of all children and young people and their families. With over 50 years’ experience, Action for Sick Children campaigns on all aspects of healthcare, whether in hospital in the community or at home and from national policies to individual family cases.

We believe that family focused environments, as well as excellent medical services, are critical to aiding recovery. Action for Sick Children provides leadership at local and national levels. We harness the experience and expertise of children, parents and their families as well as healthcare professionals. We define standards in child healthcare and lobby to implement these standards.

Parent Voices Count

Parent Voices Count is a group of parents who in  recent years have been told that their child has a life threatening or life limiting  illness.

We are working in partnership with the North West Children’s Palliative Care Network with the aim to improve children’s services. We recognize that parents and carers know what it’s like to have a child with a life threatening or life limiting condition and can advise professionals about what works, what doesn't work and what needs to change.  We are keen to work with other parents and carers to encourage involvement and participation in the design, implementation and evaluation of children’s services.

Rainbow Trust

Rainbow Trust provides emotional and practical support for families who have a seriously ill child. We offer the whole family support 24/7 regardless of diagnosis and for as long as it is needed.

Our vision is for all families who have a child with a life threatening or terminal illness to have access to a Rainbow Trust carer at this time of great need.

Together for Short Lives

Together for Short Lives is the leading UK charity that, together with our members, speaks out for children and young people who are expected to have short lives. We are here to help these children and their families have as fulfilling lives as possible and the very best care at the end of life. We can’t change the diagnosis, but we can help children and families make the most of their time together.

Kidz to Adultz

Kids to Adultz are an organisation that provides free events for children and young adults, who are up to the age 25 years old with disabilities and additional needs, their families, carers and all the professionals who support them.

Paired with disabled living since 2001 their very prestigious events now run across the country which hold five large free events, exhibiting services for respite and legal care, communication and technologies that can help improve flexibility, accessibility and independence for the future of whose involved.


Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 @ 11:00 am